Paddle app meta information

Paddle apps are Drupal modules with some extra info file properties. Those properties define how the app appears on the Paddle Store.

Paddle apps are inspired on the ones compatible with the Apps module although the Paddle Apps module uses more object oriented code.

You need to define at least 1 property, anyone of them will do. The rest of them are optional.

App basic info

apps[name] = App name
apps[description] = This app does this and that.
apps[logo] = apps/logo.png
apps[paddle][vendor] = Author company

apps[name] defaults to name, apps[description] defaults to description.

App detail page info

The detail page of an app shows all of the above plus:

apps[screenshots][] = apps/screenshots/0.png
apps[screenshots][] = apps/screenshots/1.png
apps[screenshots][] = apps/screenshots/2.png
apps[faq][] =
apps[faq][] =
apps[paddle][vendor_link] =
apps[paddle][third_party_service] = boolean

apps[paddle][third_party_service] indicates whether the app user 3rd party services, like Google Analytics.

If you need a long description, just put it in an HTML file called in the apps directory in the main module directory.